
Astrology of the Days – How to Plan Your Week According to the Planets

astrology of the days

There are likely days of the week you either vibe with or don’t.

If you feel:
• Lethargic on a Monday
• Fully at ease on a Thursday but for some reason not a Wednesday
• The Friday bliss
• A wave of productivity on a Saturday

Then you’re experiencing what is known as the Astrology of the Days.

I’ve been (roughly) planning, my weeks according to the planets for a few months now and have seen more flow and less pressure. It’s providing my schedule with structure and a general sense of ease knowing that some days are best utilized for productivity while others for creativity or rest.

What Are the Astrology of the Days?

A different planet rules each day of the week except for Monday being ruled by the Moon and Sunday by the Sun (these are known as luminaries).

Every planet represents and emanates certain energies and characteristics that play out in various parts of our lives. From career and finance to health, romance and familial connections. Each acts as a spokesperson for the given theme. Depending on the day of the week these energies will be amplified.

Although there are nine planets in our solar system, the Astrology of the Days includes only five planets in this regard as they are considered to be the main five.

Seeing as planets are either masculine and feminine so too are the given days of the week.

Masculine-ruled days are best for working off your to-do list, scheduling meetings or taking action. The feminine-ruled days welcome creativity, a slower pace, self-care and quality time with loved ones.

How to Plan Your Week With the Planets

Whether or not you’re seeking more structure and routine in your week, the Astrology of the Days offers great guidance and simplicity in its approach. There is something to be said about cosmic energies playing a role in life on our planet.

By planning your week according to the planets you can be sure to welcome more success, however, that may look for you.

We face many pre-imposed norms within our world and how we construct our weekdays/ends is no exception. By reading through this post, allow yourself to reflect on and identify how you could integrate more planetary rulership in your day-to-day life. It could have the potential to lessen the burden you come to feel on certain days and to welcome more ease and relaxation.

And as a reminder – this is merely a guide and not a rulebook.

Monday = Moon Day

Although society has pegged Monday to be the day when we get back to the “hustle and grind” the Astrology of the Days is here to tell us otherwise. This luminary represents our inner emotions, shadow-self and intuition and should be treated as a day of soft integration into the week.

Before scoffing at the idea of chilling on a Monday, The Moon merely encourages us to tap into our inner world and prioritize tasks of a lower impact. It may not be realistic for the majority of us to ignore e-mails or re-schedule meetings but we can control the vigour and intent with which we approach our responsibilities.

If your mood seems to cast a shadow on Mondays, rest assured that this could stem from the energetics the Moon brings with it. This luminary represents the feminine zodiac sign, Cancer.

• Take time to reflect and journal on what you intend to accomplish for the week.
• If sudden moods arise, allow them to pass without entertaining the thoughts.
• Allow for a slower schedule by not over-committing to plans or meetings.
• Work from home if possible.
• Low-impact activities such as yoga, reading, and doing the laundry.
• Think soft and cozy vibes.

Tuesday = Mars Day

By Tuesday we’re ready to burn fuel and get back in the game. Mars rules Tuesdays which is a planet of action, motivation and initiation. As Mars is a masculine planet, we will see more of these Yang traits come to the forefront.

Mars rules Aries, the fire sign that leads with passion and enthusiasm and is generally seen as the original trailblazer. Tuesday is, therefore, a great day to, for lack of a better term, get sh*t done.

The momentum you build on Mars Day will likely last for the remainder of the week. It’s an ideal time to make decisions, begin projects and start checking off tasks or intentions you set on Monday.

• Be proactive and lead with intention – Mars offers an extra dose of confidence.
• Cardio workouts.
• Step out of your comfort zone.
• Avoid impulsivity and remain rational.
• Get your most demanding tasks of the week done (if in your control).

Wednesday = Mercury Day

Wednesday is guided by the communication-oriented planet, Mercury. The Cosmic Latte writes that according to Roman Mythology, Mercury is seen as the messenger of the Gods. Think, conversations, commerce and community.

On Monday we dealt with our inner world, on Tuesday our outer world and by Wednesday we’re ready to bring the two together. Mercury rules both Virgo and Gemini which can be seen as the communicators of the zodiac guided by a streak of curiosity. Revel in the mental energetics Wednesday brings forth.

• Brainstorm any ideas or projects including collaborations.
• Optimal day for meetings or any conversations that need to be had.
• Creativity and communication are at the forefront.
• As this day brings about a lot of energy be aware not to expend your levels.
• You might notice an increased ease in writing, reading or networking.

Thursday = Jupiter Day

Jupiter is the planet of growth, optimism and expansion. By this point in the week, we’ve catered to various aspects of our life including the sometimes mundane adulty-like responsibilities. Now, we can allow ourselves, for a hot minute, to tap into our dreams and visions of the future by embracing an abundance mindset.

Sagittarius the adventurer and Pisces the dreamer are ruled by Jupiter. Both invoke feelings of looking past the curtains of conformity by tapping into our spiritual side and calling into question our faith and belief system. Inner wisdom is also easier to grasp on Jupiter day.

The Astrology of the Days tells us that Thursday is a great day for working off your to-do list, checking your finances and allowing for big-picture thinking. Your time on earth should consist of more than just your daily 9-5 grind and the energetics of the day are supporting you to think on a broader scale to reach more abundance.

• Receptivity to learning is higher.
• Make a vision board or plan your next vacation.
• Check your bank account and set a budget.
• Practice an attitude of gratitude (the more you practice the more will appear).
• Optimal day to inject your visions of the future with a realistic game plan.

Friday = Venus Day

Venus is named after the Goddess of love, beauty, romance and fertility. Is it any wonder we feel happiest and most at ease on a Friday? Apart from the concluding of the 9-5 grind, a large majority is subscribed to, Venus Day is here to slow down the pace and revel in the magnificence life offers.

Libra and Taurus are the two zodiacs that represent themes of sensuality, allure and celebrating the beauty in life. Taurus in particular is a sign of femininity. In this regard, Friday is about love, connection, and belonging.

There is a general light-heartedness in the air making Friday an optimal day to go about your work and personal life in a leisurely way. Creativity and aesthetics are heightened due to the feminine vibes Venus brings with it. Wrap up your to-do list and leave any demanding tasks for later.

• Prioritize self-care or treat yourself to something special.
• Romantic vibes are heightened – date night gets an extra boost.
• If single, take yourself on a date or have a cozy night-in with friends.
• Allow your creativity or artistic side to shine.
• Check off items on your to-do list that are less demanding.

Saturday = Saturn Day

From what I’ve gathered on reading about the Astrology of the Days, Saturn is the day to get things completed or set in place to make your Sunday and Monday more easeful. Saturn, the planet of structure and delayed gratification supports us in this regard.

Your Saturn Return is seen as an intense period of growth and levelling-up in life. That’s because Saturn is about taking a tough-love approach and exposing us to the responsibilities of our actions and decisions. In another sense Saturn voices to us that the work we put in now will pay off later.

Work doesn’t necessarily mean your job. It can be household work, working out or working on a passion project. Saturn, being a masculine planet brings a steadfast approach to the day.

Capricorn and Aquarius are ruled by Saturn. Side note, I’m a Capricorn rising and an Aquarius Sun meaning I vibe extra hard on Saturdays. I also nerd out on delayed gratification. Makes the reward seem bigger.

• Don’t ignore your responsibilities as this can elicit the Sunday scaries.
• Tend to your non-negotiable tasks first to dedicate the rest of the day to leisure and play.
• If appropriate, finish off tasks that were left behind on Friday. Working over hours is NOT what’s meant here.
• Working on or setting long-term goals is great on Saturn Day.
• Remember, that rest is also a form of productivity. Our batteries need to get
re-charged somehow!

Sunday = Sun Day

A day dedicated to the luminary that makes life on earth possible, the Sun. The vibes of the day are everything that the Sun emulates – warmth, comfort, vitality.

Sunday ushers us to slow our pace, rest, recharge, lounge around and prioritize our self-care. From a global standpoint, Sunday is a commerce-free day when many businesses and shops are closed. This offers space to spend quality time with our friends and family and also tend to our hobbies or creative outlets.

Leo is ruled by the Sun and as such is a fire sign. This astrological sign similar to the Sun makes their presence known without being boisterous. Self-care and revelling in the blissful moments of life are highly encouraged.

• Relax and unwind – everything else can wait.
• Spend the day with your loved ones.
• Make time for a passion project or hobby.
• It’s all about self-care – face mask, bubble bath, massage, napping etc.
• Spend time in the sun – the ruler of the day.

Get Your Guide

The Astrology of the Days at first glance might seem like a far-fetched idea for some. But, take the time to reflect and identify where in your life you could include a few points from each weekday. I guarantee you’ll begin to see more flow and less force. The energetics are present each day, we just need to learn how to lean into them.

If any of this has awoken your curiosity then I highly suggest checking out this guide from the Cosmic Latte. It’s the one I use and find her, in general, to be one of the best Astrologers out there.

Thanks for reading!
xo, Missy

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