
Disclaimer: I’m no Professional

In this digital era of increased transparency and interconnectedness comes an onslaught of differing opinions, advice and solutions.

It can feel like a melting pot in a room filled with many voices – one speaking louder than the other.

I’m sure we can agree that this is one way cancel culture gained traction over the past years. Disagreement, whether we like it or not keeps the conversational ball rolling.

I believe a small part of our human psychology requires a certain level of disagreement to challenge our learning and growth. Either we trade a pre-existing belief in favour of a new one or we remain rooted in our current belief.

If we think of it through a philosophical lens, there is no right or wrong opinion just one that reaffirms our experiences and belief system.

Where I Come In

The topics I write about aren’t ones I have professional experience in or have researched intently. They’re simply things I have grown through or am currently growing through.

If there’s one thing I have learned from life it’s that 99% (an arbitrary number) of what we grow through, though it might feel unique or alienated, it very rarely is.

Countless others are living in parallel with you.

This gives us all the more reason to form a respected community where we can (dis)agree and (un)learn from one another without the threat of being cancelled.

I’m only human and will admit that when I come across a differing belief my initial reaction is to jumpstart my ego and defend my viewpoint. Yet, the more I encourage that behaviour the less of a chance I’ll have to learn from others and even gain compassion for something that feels foreign to me.

The thing is, we can still listen intently to the opinions and beliefs of others without adopting them for ourselves. It can be really interesting.

Perhaps, we should all encourage a little deviation.

The Path Forward

As I continue to grow my blog I’m aware that there will be individuals who won’t agree with what I have to say or might have completely different viewpoints than my own.

Although this notion makes me uncomfortable (I’m a natural people-pleaser) I realize that it’s a part of sharing my work and spreading my message.

For the record, it’s fine if you disagree with my work, but don’t dismiss me as a person. I’m here to authentically relay from my perspective the human experience as a female Millennial.

My bottom line is to share, encourage and inspire. Never to lecture.

If this blog resonates to the point where you gain more clarity in some area then I’ll be very grateful to have a positive influence on your life.

Thanks for reading!
xo, Missy

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