
What’s the Deal with Human Design? One of 5 Energy Types Holds Your Truth

human design and the 5 energy types

There hasn’t been a more prosperous time in the realm of personal growth and self-discovery. From Human Design to the Angiogram and Astrology. Our blueprint is written in the stars, so to speak. Share your birth- date, time and place and in exchange, you shall receive a wealth of information regarding You and the potential within your life.

Human Design dates back to 1992 when the creator, Robert Allan Krakower published the first-ever book on this subject. The concept of Human Design first came to Krakower (who later goes by Ra Uru Hu) in 1987 through some “intense mystical experience”. It took him around half a decade to construct, by blending old-world teachings with modern science. It truly is a one-of-a-kind practice and teaching.

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To re-state, Human Design extracts its roots from traditional teachings such as Western Astrology, The Chakra System, and Kabbalah. To round it off, science specifically quantum physics lends its hand to Human Design. I’m still a newbie in the world of Human Design and cannot accurately relay how physics or digestion play a role… I’ll save that for a later blog post. In this post, you will learn about the 5 Energy Types of Human Design.

The 5 Human Design Types

There are five energy types in Human Design: Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Generator, Projector and Reflector. Depending on your chart you will fall into any one of these categories. Many components make up your individual Human Design chart, the energy type, however, is the foundation and starting point in understanding your blueprint.

Manifestor aka. The Initiator

Making up merely 10% of the population, Manifestors are the catalysts for getting things in motion. They are the trailblazers, so to speak, in initiating things and bringing ideas to life. It could be said that Manifestors are the impulsive type, they don’t wait around and rationalize their plan of action – beginning the task is their plan of action! They are full of energy in their initial pursuit but tend to burn out when the spark of their idea fades. Once the ball is off the ground and has gained momentum, Manifestors will hand it over to those types who will keep the momentum going.

Generator aka. The Responder

Generators make up roughly one-third of the population (me included). A typical characteristic of this type, and one I stand by, is the need to do things and create work that lights us up! Without that euphoria, we feel like a deflated balloon. The original activists and builders of the world, we continue to work on and implement the ideas set out by Manifestors. Generators will hone the skill of their craft exclusively through satisfaction, dedication and enthusiasm.

Manifesting Generator aka. The Hybrid

As the name suggests, this type is a combination of both Manifestors and Generators. Roughly 40% of the population is a Manifesting Generator. Combining the initiating power of a Manifestor with the “get sh*t done” approach of a Generator, they are a true hybrid human in action. The fuel that keeps this type going is seeking change and being on a constant evolution. Diversity is their specialty and if they can properly balance both aspects of a Manifestor and a Generator they can achieve great feats.

Projector aka. The Visionary

Naturally born leaders at heart, this type is here to guide the masses with their sound advice. Possessing empathetic qualities Projectors have an innate need to help others and can easily pick up on the vibes around them. The thing that 20% of this population must be discerning about is where and with whom they expend their energy. Being a sensitive type, exhaustion can come about if spent in the wrong areas. If they utilize their strengths to their advantage, Projectors have the potential to offer the world much wisdom and insight… so long as they also gain recognition for it.

Reflector aka. The Unicorn

1% of all people are Reflectors! A rarity in itself, this type essentially holds up the mirror to the world around them by reflecting the vibe that is being cast within a particular environment. Seeing as they are energetic sponges, it becomes that more important for Reflectors to remain grounded and to carve out enough time for rest and solitude. Clarity in their feelings, thoughts and actions is key for a thriving Reflector.

Access Your Human Design Chart

As mentioned earlier, many facets make up your Human Design chart. From The Chakra System to Your Inner Authority, the best place to start though is with your Type. You will need to know the exact time and place of your birth. With this key information, you can unlock your personalized map. There are countless providers on the web both for free or purchase. I received my free detailed chart on this website. Human Design is a language of its own and without a professional might be difficult to decipher. Your Type will however offer plenty of information as a starting point.

Side Note

Finding out about Human Design and that I am a Generator has caused me in hindsight, to make sense of a few things in my life. The fact that I sparingly received “good grades” in Grade school makes sense when I reflect on how dull the material appeared to me. We Generators must feel lit up to produce work of quality and intention! Don’t let any system gaslight you into thinking you’re not enough for this or that. You will ALWAYS be enough for your true path in life, and there is no linear route to getting there. So have fun and be inspired along your journey!!

Thanks for reading! xo

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